chatting with your “spiritual connection”,
Looking for serious doesn't mean seriously looking.
Skip The Chat
You don’t have two chances to make a first impression.
We value human connection and leverage technology to get you past the chat and on real dates. We know the best you isn’t the you behind a screen, it’s in person.
Don’t Get Ghosted
You’ve chatted and chatted…only to get ghosted because you couldn’t decide how to meet.
Based on your preferences, we take out the guess work and suggest date spots you are most likely to have a great time.
Even if they aren’t your vibe…that cute coffee shop may be.
Shhh…It’s Confidential
Find what you love, in who you love, without worrying how it will look on your profile. HaveYouMet wants you to find exactly what you are looking for to have the highest possibility of getting off the apps and onto Happily Ever After.